Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

New Year's resolutions

Tonya Fennell

What is it about Jan. 1 that drives people to make New Year’s resolutions?

Everyone wants to be thinner, healthier or richer each year. And I’m as guilty as the next person about breaking New Year’s resolutions.

I have resolved to lose weight in the past only to discover that starving myself is no fun and salads were meant to be followed by a steak and baked potato. Besides all the fashion magazines say curves are in.

I have resolved to eat healthier, but I was raised on good, old-fashioned, fried Southern food and my taste buds rebelled against the healthy fare. Everyone knows chicken tastes better fried.

I have resolved to exercise too. But, then I realized that toting around a 25- pound toddler, cleaning up after teenagers and carrying 10 loads of laundry a weekends definitely counts as exercise.

So, since I have failed in the past, I have decided to make some resolutions I can actually keep this year.

1. Spend more time with my husband.

I really do like his company, so this one should be easy.

2. Spend more time with my children.

This one sounds easy, but I’ll have to compete with the Internet, X-Box and friends to accomplish this.

3. Eat more chocolate.

I plan to eat my own brownies this year instead of eating the cookie crumbs my daughter leaves behind.

4. Take a bath.

Yes, I’m going to buy some bubble bath, light a calming candle, lock the door, insert ear plugs and bathe without a child in the bathroom.

In closing, I wish everyone at Cannon luck with their 2008 resolutions. And if you chose not to make any, good for you.

Tonya Fennell is news coordinator for Cannon Connections. She can be reached by e-mailing:

[email protected]