Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Child leads exemplary life

“…and a little child will lead them” (Isaiah 11:6 NIV)

I first saw Kallie a few hours after she was born. This energetic little baby crawled on her tummy in the bassinet. It was like, “Look out world. Here I come.”

At 3 years old, she wanted to hear the same stories about Jesus. She said, “I love God soooo much. He died on the cross for all sins.”

At 4, Kallie scribbled on some paper and had her mother to translate it: “I love Jesus as high as the sky, as low as the ocean, as round as the earth.”

At 5, she made a lemonade stand. She made $20. Kallie had her mother take her to the Pets Adoption Home to donate her money.

In first grade, she wrote the following: “My God is my Savior. My God is good. My Savior is my ‘lite to the world.’”

That summer Kallie had a meeting with some friends in her block. “Let’s have a club. It will be a club that thinks of things to do for other people … people in need.”

They put their heads together and came up with a “Circus Show” in Kallie’s back yard. Parents in the neighborhood were invited and charged a “nominal entrance fee.” Each member of the club had an act. To their surprise they made $100. Through a church, they donated that money to an orphanage in Russia.

In the fourth grade, Kallie wrote the following for a newspaper.

“As I watch the cross I shed my tears. I should have been there on the cross. As the crown of thorns sat on his head, I shutter. As they gamble for his clothes, my heart feels heavy. As they pierced his side I cry. After that there is no more to see. I walk home wondering what life is worth living for. In a few days I know what life is living for. He is risen.”

That experience only set Kallie’s heart to do more. She and her family had a garage sale and Kallie sold all of her Barbie dolls she loved so much. She had her mother take her to a rest home where she donated the garage sale money.

By the sixth grade, Kallie had made such an impression on those around her that a friend and her mother came up with a great idea.

They had seen a TV clip of a vandalized cemetery. Kallie and her friends along with her mother and others bought wood and made crosses. They painted the crosses white and used stencils to print the names of the deceased whose graves had been torn down. Weeds were chopped and gravesites raked. A television station in their town did a story along with a visit of the site showing the girls at work.

“Helping others makes you happy,” the girls said all together in the microphone.

Kallie is now a sophomore in high school. She lives an outstanding life before her classmates. And yes, she is still helping people. You see, heaven is in her heart. How do I know that?

I’m her proud “Mawmaw!”