Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Janet Taylor-Birkey
The children’s area at the Cannon library is
getting a mini-makeover.
Airmen from the 27th Services Squadron are
painting murals to brighten the children’s area
and encouraging them to take part in the
summer reading program. The murals should be
finished by the time children register for the
summer reading program on Monday.
Murals in the children’s area consist of a map
of the world and people in traditional dress from
around the world, said librarian Melissa
Haraughty. She said the mural coordinates well
with the theme of this year’s reading program,
“Places and Faces.”
Among the painters at the library is Airman
First Class Jerry Calalong, 27th Services
Squadron. Airman Calalong said he and the
group of Airmen painters hope to boost morale at
Cannon through their volunteerism and the
work they are doing to brighten up the library.
He said future plans include painting the
library’s teen department, painting a booth at
The Landing and working on a mural in the
downtown Clovis area.
Ms. Haraughty encourages patrons of all
ages to visit the library to see the murals and
sign up for the summer reading programs.
The following is a guide to Cannon’s Summer
Reading Program events:
All programs begin at 3 p.m. at the library
unless noted.
– Rich Gypsy heritage: June 2
– Chinese martial arts: June 9 – Characters
and puppets from around the world: June 16
– La Llorna Spanish folklore: June 23
– Stories from far away islands: June 30
– Animals around the World (Albuquerque
Biopark Zoo): 11 a.m., July 7
– African instruments: 3:30 p.m., July 14
– Native American Dancers: July 21
– Final prize day: July 28