Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Nov. 6 Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, and Organizations


Fairfield Extension

The Fairfield Extension Club met at the extension building on Friday, Oct. 28. Martha Brister and Marie Wells were the hostesses.

Martha Watkins opened the meeting and handed out the by-laws of the club. Wessie White read the minutes and 17 members answered roll call.

We discussed the coming annual banquet and tickets were sold amongst the members. This event will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 17 at Kingswood Methodist Church. The theme this year is “Women of New Mexico.”

We decided not to exchange Christmas ornaments at our party in December but we will still bring our cans for the Lighthouse. We were reminded that our gifts for our secret pal needed to be worth no more than $10. Our Christmas party will be a lunch at Cancun Mexican Restaurant.

Martha Watkins presented a program on “Identity Theft” which was an eye-opener. We discussed ways to protect ourselves from those from identity thieves, and ways we have used to deal with predators.

Martha Brister presented the September program, “Fall Creations from the Pumpkin Patch.” Everyone made a fabric pumpkin and had a lot of fun doing it.

The menu for the meeting was soup and salad. Homemade potato soup and cheesy cauliflower soup was served with a variety of salads and dessert. Everyone enjoyed lunch and the fall decorations.

Our next meeting will be at Mary Dell Brown’s on Nov. 11 for our Thanksgiving celebration. The Christmas showcase starts that day and tickets can be picked up at the extension office. Times are 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. on the 11th and 10 a.m. on the 12th. Tickets are $4. Hope to see you there.


President Carolyn Shipley presided over the Oct. 11 meeting of Curry County Federated Republican Women. She welcomed the 19 members and guests in attendance.

Carolyn Shipley opened the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of the September meeting were distributed. Judy Jennings presented the treasurer’s financial report. Balance on hand is $930.01. Dues for 2006 will be taken starting at today’s meeting. Members approved the purchase of a new endorsement stamp for the treasurer.

Undersheriff Doug Bowman spoke about his bid for sheriff in the next election. Doug has been with the Sheriff’s Department for six years and his first priority is to secure more manpower for the department.

Carolyn displayed the Relay for Life team photo from the latest event at Ned Houk Park. She told the group Laquita Terry’s son, who has been battling lymphoma, is now declared cancer-free.

Rube Render reported from the Central Committee and talked about J.R. Damron’s run for governor and Dr. Allen McCollough’s bid for the U.S. Senate.

In other news, Heather Wilson will speak at an Oct. 22 fund raiser in Clayton. Dick Smith has joined the Curry County Republican’s as finance chairman. Anna Crook will serve on the Robert Vigil impeachment committee.

The next regular CCFRW meeting is at 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 8 at K-Bob’s Steakhouse on 1600 Mabry Dr. in Clovis. Judy Myrick will conduct the meeting.

Grady Alpha Extension

The Grady Alpha Extension Club held a meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 1, 2005 at the Guadalajara Restaurant in Clovis. The program subject was “Tour Downtown Clovis.”

Nine club members enjoyed a dinner together with Suzy Powell presiding over a short business meeting. The group was joined by two more members to tour the Model Train Museum.

Club members then boarded a C.A.T.S. bus for a tour of downtown Clovis with Julie Charter as the informative guide. Julie presented members with information packets and told of the improvements planned by the Future of Downtown Clovis.

After the official tour, members chose to shop and continue individual touring on their own.

Members present were Carolyn Shipley, LaVera Sours, Gwen Allen, Suzy Powell, Wanda Page, Maxine Kelso, Margie Woods, Maxine Grau, Mildred Moyers, Valinda Wilson, and Carol Nash.

The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Dec. 6, 2005 at the Grady Senior Building where members will be enjoying a Christmas party. Attendees are asked to bring gifts to exchange.



Deberah Carruth of Olton, Texas and John Looper of Portales were joined in marriage Oct. 29, 2005, at Mainstreet Church of Christ in Olton.

The Reverend Mike Reed performed the Double Ring ceremony.

The maid of honor was Sherri Carruth and the bestman was Joshua Moore.

Ushers were Seth Carruth and John-Hayden McGill.

The flowergirl was Shalea Moore and Haylee McGill.

The couple will reside in Olton, Texas. The groom is retired from BNSF railroad.


Kristal Gray of Clovis and Garrett Johnson of Dalhart, Texas were joined in marriage June 18, 2005, at Central United Methodist Church in Dalhart, Texas.

The Rev. Chad Barnett performed the ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Mike and Sandra Gray of Clovis. She is the granddaughter of the late J.D. and Frances Gray of Clovis and Joy Onilleford and the late Pete Onilleford of Sacramento, Calif.

The bridegroom is the son of Gary and Terri Johnson of Dalhart, Texas. He is the grandson of Bobby Johnson and the late Glenn Johnson and Alice Garner and the late C. L. Garner, all of Dalhart, Texas.

Matron of honor was Mikala Gray Davis. Bridesmaid was Jennifer Rickstrew Eggers.

Best man was Marc Barns. Groomsman was Matt Caswell.

Ushers were Ty Day, Levi James, David Gray and Junior Garcia.

Flower girl was Olivia Garcia and ring bearer was Grayson Garcia.

The couple will reside in Dalhart, Texas.

The bride is a speech pathologist at The Region 16 Early Childhood Intervention Program.

The groom is employed at Five River Cattle Feeding - Cimmaron Feeders in Texoma, Okla.


M.J. and Adam Tenorio will be renewing their marriage vows Nov. 12, 2005, at the VFW , 2815 W. 7th St. in Clovis.



Todd and Kelly Thigpen of Clovis are the parents of Teagan Rayne Thigpen, a 7-pound, 7-ounce baby girl born on Sept. 21, 2005 at Plains Regional Medical Center in Clovis.

Grandparents are Chris and Alana Cummins of Clovis and Cynthia Thigpen of Farwell.

Great-grandparents are Minnie Hagler of Texico and Jim and Marian Cummins of London, Ohio.


Severiano and Mary Armijo of Clovis will celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary at 5 p.m. on Nov. 12, 2005, at the VFW on 2815 W. 7th St. in Clovis.