Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

April 13 South County News

The Milnesand prairie chicken festival weekend was a success. The ladies had a good weekend preparing and serving food to all who attended.

Milnesand Baptist

Rick Wilcher gave the sermon at the church Sunday in the absence of Bro. Bert Morgan.


Nell King called me to tell me about her husband, Clint King falling and breaking some ribs recently. He was in the hospital with that for a few days and came home. Four days later he fell and broke a hip so he is in a hospital in Lubbock for surgery. They were to repair it Monday morning.


Weldon Carmichael said he has been getting their hothouse in order and ready for some good vine ripe tomatoes and etc. It’s ready and he drove to Melrose last Friday to get some special tomato plants. He also got a few other things and some watermelon seeds. So when it’s all ready we can all go to his produce farm for good food.


Tracey Price is still doing real well and keeping a really good attitude in spite of her paralysis.