Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Aug. 18 Elida News


Birthdays Aug. 21-27: Sadie Chenualt, Martha McKinney, Bill Connelly, Bennie Taylor, Marcy Wilson, Wesley Gilmore, Barbie Rogers Dauer, Nell Craig, Jana Roberts, Sterlin Burney and Missy Holmes.

Anniversaries: Mr. and Mrs. Greg Burris and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fine.


There will be a fifth Sunday singing at the Baptist Church Sunday night at the evening service. If you would like to have a part give Brian Tabor a call to get your name on the list.


The commodities will be distributed at the Senior Center Friday Aug. 20th starting at 9 a.m.

Game night will be held at the Baptist Church Saturday Saturday starting at 7 p.m. Everyone is invited to come and share the evening.

Around Town

Our sympathies to the families of Charlie Neeley and Earl Parkinson for their recent losses.

We understand that Jonell Standfer will be taking treatments at home for now.

Others to keep on your prayer list are: A.T. King who recently had surgery on his arm, G. E. Peterson, Kent Winders, David and Delma Graves, Wayne and Wanda Chenualt, Montie and Fen Cochrain, Bennie Thurman, Laura Wilson, those in area nursing homes, our overseas personnel and the leaders of our governments.

If you have visitors or events you would like to let people know about give me a call to get it in our weekly news.

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