Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

It's easy to access MSN Messenger at a public Internet terminal

Tom DiFrancesca

The folks at Yahoo have tried to provide local information in the past. This time, I think they’ve been successful.

Go take a peak at

and then give the updated service a test run for yourself.

As you’ll remember, the Google people are attempting to do the same thing at

That’s also well worth exploring if you haven’t already.

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How many times have you found yourself at a public Internet terminal but unable to access MSN Messenger? Either the program was never installed onto the computer that you were using and/or the terminal maintainer didn’t want the program installed and therefore blocked it.

Well, relief is at hand. Just jump over to

and you can test out a new Web-based version of the Messenger program.

That’s right folks; no software to download and install, no muss no fuss. Just go to the site address and log in with your regular MSN Messenger username and password. It’s that easy.

If the computer has Internet access, then you’ll most certainly have access to all of your Messenger buddies.

Actually, AOL has offered the same type of access for its Instant Messenger users for quite a few years now and the same goes for the users of Yahoo Messenger. Just visit the respective Web sites for each service to get the full scoop on how to gain access.

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Now, let’s clear up some rumors.

It was rumored a few weeks back that I had left town suddenly and was never coming back to Clovis. That information was bogus.

Here are the facts: I am relocating to Florida (my home state) but didn’t leave until last Wednesday.

Although I will be living in Florida, I will always be a part of the Clovis scene, one way or the other. In fact, I’ll be back in Clovis in October.

Clovis and its great citizens will never be far from my thoughts.

Folks in eastern New Mexico have been good to me and I’ve always felt welcomed and loved.

I’m moving back to Florida for a couple of reasons. First of all, I have some dear friends who started a ministry there about six years ago. You can learn about that ministry by going to

I’ve been feeling a pretty good nudging by God, for some time now, to go help with that ministry.

I’m really excited about all of the opportunities that will come with that endeavor.

Another thing I will be doing in Florida will be creating a new business. Basically, I’ll be like a pest exterminator but won’t have to mess with any nasty chemicals. The pests that I’ll be after will be viruses, spyware, malware, and SPAM.

Just remember, no matter the distance between you and I, we are only a few mouse clicks apart.

That’s the power of this digital age.

Tom DiFrancesca III is a freelance columnist and a former resident of Clovis. He can be reached at

[email protected]
