Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Advertising rhymes still a phenomenon

Last year I wrote a column about that extinct advertising phenomenon called Burma-Shave signs — you know, those little red rhymes by the side of the road that quipped, “Peanut on a railroad track, heart all a flutter. Round the bend came no.10 — Toot, toot, peanut butter.”

Well, I opened a box of Pandoras with that column. Phones rang and post offices ran out of stamps. Everyone had a favorite and couldn’t wait to show me.

So I began writing them down, and here at the Society for Redundancy we found that the Burma-Shave company had more than 600 renditions of this advertising poetry. And you thought Shakespeare was prolific.

Burma-Shave research showed women liked ones about a smoother shave, while men liked rhymes about backseat drivers. So to brighten your day, sit back, get nostalgic, and let me show you some of my favorites:

• If you don’t know whose signs these are, you can’t have driven very far.

• Ben met Anna, made a hit, neglected beard, Ben-Anna split.

• Statistics prove near and far that folks who drive crazy, are.

• Don’t leave safety to chance. That’s why belts come with pants.

• Cattle crossing means go slow. That old bull is some cow’s beau.

• Substitutes can let you down quicker than a strapless gown.

• Dinah doesn’t treat him right, but if he’d shave, Dinah-might.

• The safest rule, no ifs or buts, just drive like everyone is nuts.

• Brave hero was strong and willin’, but she felt his chin and wed the villain.

• These signs are not for laughs alone. The face they save may be your own.

• If Crusoe had kept his chin more tidy, he might have found a Lady Friday.

• The wolf is shaved so neat and trim, Red Riding Hood is chasing him.

• A beard that’s rough and overgrown is like a chaperone.

• Spring has sprung, the grass has riz where last year’s careless driver is.

• Train wrecks few, reason clear — fireman never hugs engineer.

• Although insured, remember, kiddo, they don’t pay you. They pay your widow.

• Train approaching, whistle squealing. Stop. Avoid that rundown feeling.

• Burma-Shave was such a boon, they passed the bride and kissed the groom.

• When super shaved remember, Pard, you’ll still get slapped, but not so hard.

• On curves ahead remember, Honey, that rabbit’s foot didn’t save the bunny.

• When frisky with whiskey, don’t drive. It’s risky.

• The midnight ride of Paul for beer led to a warmer hemisphere.

• I’ve read these signs since just a kid. now that I shave, I’m glad I did.

• It’s not how fast or slow you drive. The question is how you arrive.

• At school zones heed instructions. Protect our little tax deductions.

• Within this vale of toil and sin your head grows bald, but on your chin.

• When the stork delivers a boy, our whole darn factory jumps for joy.

• Don’t lose your head to gain a minute. You need a head. Your brains are in it.

• Brother speeders, let’s rehearse. All together, “Good morning, nurse.”

• Approached a crossing without looking. Wonder who’ll eat his widow’s cooking?

• At crossings look each way. A harp sounds nice but it’s hard to play.

• Remember this and you’ll be spared. Trains don’t whistle because they’re scared.

• College cutie, pigskin hero. Bristly kiss. Hero, zero.

• At crossings don’t trust to luck. The other car may be a truck.

• Passing schools, take it slow. Let our little shavers grow.

• Don’t take a curve at 60 per. We hate to lose a customer.

• Whiskers long made Samson strong, but Samson’s gal, she done him wrong.

• He had a ring, he had a flat, but she felt his chin, and that was that.

• My job is keeping faces clean. nobody knows the stubble I’ve seen.

• Listen, birds, these signs cost money. Roost a while, but don’t get funny.