Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
The Elida School academic awards assembly was held May 14 in the high school gym. Those receiving junior high awards are as follows: 7th English, Ethan Jasso; 7th reading, Ryan Best and Allison Powell; 7th math, Megan Bumguardner; 7th history, Ryan Best, 8th social studies, Janice Taylor; 8th English, Wesley Gilmore and Christyn Lee; 8th writing, Julian Carrasco; Star student award, Wesley Gilmore.
Those receiving high school awards are: English awards, Adrienne Coe and Shalie Anthony; Scholarship award, Rebbecca Banther; Reading award, Tori Bilberry and Ron Haley Jr.; Citizenship, Alicia Cross-Smith; Drama, Audra Turner; Student Council, Ryan Dannelley; Accounting, Rebbecca Banther; Keyboarding, Tony Olivas, Samantha Hudson,and Wesley Gilmore; Media, Rebbecca Banther; Computer, Shawn Bird; Library Aid award, Renee Lopez; Pre-Algebra, Wesley Gilmore and Tyler Anderson; Algebra I, Alicia Cross-Smith and Brandy Hudson; Algebra II, Kodi Armitage; Algebra III, Tori Bilberry; Geometry, Shalie Anthony; Entrepreneurship, Ryan Dannelley and Amber Griffin; Government, Shay Daugherty, Halee Best, Renee Lopez, and Audra Turner; Biology, Adrienne Coe; U.S. History, Kodi Armitage and Tori Bilberry; Drivers Ed., Caleb Widener.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars presented awards to all students who had participated earlier in the year in the essay contest. They were: Shalie Anthony, Rebbecca Banther, Audra Turner, Ryan Dannelley, Amber Kinsey, Dylan Radcliff and Adrienne Coe. They all received backpacks and pins. Adrienne also received a $200 U.S. savings bond for winning the district contest. Thank you to the VFW post for sponsoring this contest.
Jack Burch, superintendent, gave out the Star Scholar Award from the University of New Mexico to Adrienne Coe, the Lucille Be Anderberg Scholarship to Halee Best and Melissa Duran, the Jerry Don Moore scholarship to Shay Daugherty and Dustin Lambirth, the Army Reserve National Scholar/Athlete to Shay Daugherty and Samantha Southard and the music award to Adrienne Coe.
Vern Newlin presented the Masonic Lodge scholarship to Keisha Chenault.
Donna Tivis presented the President’s Education Awards to: Halee Best, Keisha Chenault, Shay Daugherty, Renee Lopez, Samantha Southard, Audra Turner, Shalie Anthony, Adrienne Coe, Tori Bilberry, Shawn Bird and Brandy Hudson. The principals awards went to Halee Best, Keisha Chenault and Shay Daugherty. She also recognized the National Honor Society with gifts and presented $100 scholarships to all senior members: Halee, Keisha, Shay, Yury, Renee, Samantha, Rebbecca, and Melissa. The special NHS awards Aof Scholarship to: Halee Best, Leadership to: Keisha Chenault, Service to: Rebbecca Banther, and Character to: Shay Daugherty.
Pat Boone gave out the Roosevelt County Electric scholarships to: Halee Best, Shay Daugherty, Dustin Lambirth, Samantha Southard, and Yury Navarrette.
Junior Jasso presented the Roosevelt County Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Scholarships to: Samantha Southard, Shay Daugherty, and Dustin Lambirth.
Jan Henderson presented the First Financial Credit scholarship to Melissa Duran.
Kent Best presented the D.H."Tiny” Reed/Napolean Bonapart “Boney Fields"/Portales National Bank Scholarship to Halee Best and Shay Daugherty.
Albert Flinn presented the Wells Fargo Bank Scholarship to Melissa Duran.
Dana Green presented the Clovis Community College scholarships to Willa Lang and Dustin Lambirth.
Christina Gregg from Eastern New Mexico University presented Friends of Eastern Scholarships to: Halee Best, Shay Daugherty, Keisha Chenault, Melissa Duran, Jerett Norman, Justun Norman, and Samantha Southard. In addition, the following students received the freshman academic scholarship from ENMU: Halee Best, Shay Daugherty, and Keisha Chenault.
Samantha Southard also received a rodeo scholarship from ENMU. Scholarship money for all seniors added to over $80,000 for 12 students. Thank you to everyone from all the seniors.