Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Singles Living in Christ — 7 p.m., First Church of the Nazarene, 1800 N. Norris St., Clovis. Child care is provided. For information, call 763-3141 or 762-6639.
First Baptist Single Adults — 6:30 p.m., a time of fellowship, fun and games. For information, call Clay at 762-7209.
Revival meeting with District Elder Chris Cooper: Deliverance Temple Ministries, 905 Rio Street. For information: 762-0334.
Bible Study Services — 6 p.m., Clovis Church of God, 307 N. Lea St. For information, call 742-1913.
Revival meeting with District Elder Chris Cooper: Deliverance Temple Ministries, 905 Rio Street. For information: 762-0334.
Curry County Right to Life rummage and bake sale: 8 a.m., held behind Immanuel Lutheran Church on Prince Street. For information: 763-1401.
Alpha Course and supper — 5 p.m. at St. James Episcopal Church fellowship hall, 1115 North Main St. For information, call 763-4638.
Ann Downing concert — 6:30 p.m. (CST) at First Assembly of God in Muleshoe, 521 S. 1st St. For information, call (806) 272-3017.
Cowboy Church Service — 6:30 p.m. at the Clovis Livestock Auction. For information, call 769-3624.
RCIA — 7 p.m., Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 108 N. Davis St., Clovis. Class on Catholicism. For information, call 763-4445.
DivorceCare Seminar — 7 p.m., Portales Church of the Nazarene, 823 W. University Drive. Divorce recovery seminar and support group meets each Tuesday.
Women’s Ministry — 9-11 a.m., Central Baptist Church, 2501 N. Norris St., Clovis. Bible study, fellowship, small groups, creative touch, preschool child care available. For information, call 762-4727.
Advance Notices
Monday, March 29 — 7 p.m., “Christ in the Passover” presentation by Jews for Jesus at Central Baptist Church. For information, call 762-4727.
Friday, April 2 — 7 p.m., “The Passion: Beyond my Fault” — 7 p.m. musical drama at Parkland Baptist Church. For information, call 763-6812.
Sunday, April 4 — 7 p.m., “The Passion: Beyond my Fault” — 7 p.m. musical drama at Parkland Baptist Church. For information, call 763-6812.
Sunday, April 11 — 6:30 a.m., Easter Sunrise Service at Green Acres Park.