Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Religion Roundup 2/20

Church to help understand terrorism

First Baptist Church of Texico will sponsor a seminar on “Understanding Islamic Terrorism” at its Sunday morning services on Feb. 29.

David M. Witt, the western regional mission representative for the Voice of the Martyrs organization, will lead seminars at 9 and 10:15 a.m. at the church. According to the organization’s promotional material, Witt will compare the foundations of Islam to those of Christianity with an emphasis on Allah versus Jehovah, Muhammad vs. Jesus, salvation, the judgment day, martyrdom, and jihad.

“The talk concludes with practical ways that we can begin to witness to Muslims and support Christian gospel work around the world,” Witt wrote. “When time permits the talk ends with a question and answer time.”

For information, call the church at 482-3632.

Two revivals to be held in area

Deliverance Temple Ministry is sponsoring two revivals in upcoming weeks.

On Feb. 27, Gerry Henderson from the House of Refuge in Midland, Texas, will lead services at 7 p.m. at Deliverance Temple on 905 Rio Street. Two weeks later, District Elder Chris Cooper of New Jerusalem Church will lead revival services from March 11 to 13.

“It’s going to be a big event,” said Elder Errick Jones, associate pastor of Deliverance Temple Ministry. “We’ll be bringing people in to be revived for the year 2004.”

For information, call Deliverance Temple’s presiding bishop, Jimmy Drain, at 762-5949.

Clovis church will hold lent services

Immanuel Lutheran Church of Clovis will hold a six-part series of evening services for Lent beginning this Wednesday, which is Ash Wednesday on the church calendar.

Each service will begin at 7 p.m. and the series will run through March 31. The services will all be on the topic of “The Sounds of Christ’s Passion.”

“The word ‘passion’ means to be intensely focused or extremely committed to someone or some cause. Passion can even involve a willingness to die for that cause,” said the Rev. Scott Blazek, pastor of the church.

“But what about ‘the passion of Christ?’ According to the four gospels of the New Testament, Jesus was indeed passionate. He was intensely focused on doing the will of the heavenly father and completely committed to accomplishing salvation for the entire fallen, sinful human race. His passion led him even to the horrors of the cross to pay the ultimate price for sin, so that all who repent and trust in him as their savior will be forgiven and reconciled to God.”

The church is a member of the Missouri Synod. For information, call 763-4526.