Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Google lets users tailor news to interests

Lots of newsworthy events have occurred this past week. Sometimes it’s hard to keep with up everything going on — locally, nationally and worldwide. That’s when Google really comes in handy. I’ve spoken with lots of folks lately, and they have narrowed down their breaking news resources, to one Web site:

Besides using the Google news service to get the latest national and global news, you can also check out what is going on in Clovis. Besides pulling stories from the Clovis News Journal, you will find Clovis-related articles from the Amarillo Globe News, KAMR Television in Amarillo and KOB-TV in Albuquerque, just to name a few sources.

Once you’ve arrived at the Google news site, just type in “Clovis, NM” (include the quotation marks) in the search box. You’ll be surprised at how much news about our area is floating around in cyberspace.

This past week has also been a week for computer/Internet viruses, the biggest story being the W32 Blaster Worm (now two versions). Again, sometimes it’s very hard to keep up with the latest news. I’ve found one particular Web site that really helps me stay informed of virus-related information; and with ways to protect my computers or to resolve virus-induced issues. Just jump over to

which is maintained by Symantec Corporation, makers of a good anti-virus program. The site is updated a couple of times a day and is chock full of valuable information.

I’ve mentioned online virus scan services in the past, here’s another one:

This site also contains up-to-date information on the latest virus programs that have been unleashed onto the Internet.

I was thinking — some of these folks (virus programmers) must be pretty darn intelligent, I mean, one or two doors get slammed in their faces; and they’ll spend days, weeks or months writing additional programming code — just so they can release yet another destructive program.

Why be destructive?

Wouldn’t it be great, if these same individuals would utilize their intelligence and programming skills to solve the world’s problems?

What a concept.

Have you taken a good look around Clovis lately?

I mean, there seems to be construction going on everywhere — commercial and residential. Yes, folks, Clovis is really starting to “boom.” People are beginning to move to Clovis for non-military reasons. Now that’s a kicker, isn’t it? Have you visited the City of Clovis Web site lately?

The Web site now reflects the growth spurt that Clovis is going through — it bears checking out.

Speaking of new things — have you heard, Clovis is about to have its first cybercafe? That puts us in the “big time” now, doesn’t it? You can go to

to keep up with the progress of the construction; and, to find out the official date for the grand opening — as soon as it is posted.

Tom DiFrancesca III is a freelance columnist and a resident of Clovis. He can be reached at [email protected] or