Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Flu shots help more than just recipients

For most people, the flu is inconvenient, causing missed work, depressed energy levels and varying levels of just plain misery.

For many, including children and the elderly, the flu can be life-threatening.

Whether it threatens your health or just your work week, however, it’s worthwhile to prevent it if you can.

That’s why we join the federal Centers for Disease Control and the New Mexico Department of Health in recommending flu vaccinations for everyone 6 months of age and older.

While the current vaccines do not block all the viruses going around in this more-virulent-than-usual flu season, it’s still worthwhile to protect against as much flu virus as you can.

You’re still reducing the odds that you’ll get the flu.

Each case prevented means fewer people to potentially spread the virus to others.

And it’s not too late to get the shot. The flu season peaks in January, February and March. If you get the shot now, it could protect you through the worst of the outbreak.

What if it’s too late and you’ve already got the flu?

Health experts say you should stay home and rest as much as possible.

Realistically, not everyone can always stay home and rest until they feel better — not young parents, not the self-employed, not many in public-safety jobs.

Even so, there are things you can do to prevent spreading the flu.

The experts tell us to cough or sneeze into a sleeve or a tissue to prevent spreading the virus when among other people. A cough or a sneeze can infect people up to six feet away.

Also, washing hands often with soap or a hand sanitizer can help keep you from getting or spreading the flu, since the virus can also be spread by touching an infected surface, then touching the mouth or nose.

One of the best ways to prevent the flu is by living responsibly — getting plenty of rest, drinking plenty of water or other non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages, and eating a balanced diet.

The old saw about an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure applies.

We heartily recommend that you get that flu shot while exercising some common sense.

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