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County commissioners elect chair, vice-chair

Staff report

Commissioner Ben McDaniel was elected commission chairman Tuesday at the first gathering of newly-elected Curry County Commissioners.

McDaniel, Chet Spear, Wendell Bostwick and Angelina Baca voted to elect McDaniel. Bostwick was elected vice-chair.

Commissioner Tim Ashley didn’t attend the session.

The lengthy session considered eight agenda items and 15 action items, among other presentations and reports.

During jail Administrator Tori Sandoval's presentation, Bostwick pushed for more information after Sandoval revealed the average length of stay for male inmates for December was 4.5 days, compared to 55 days in December 2013.

Sandoval said a combination of actions from the district attorney's office, district judges and a September policy change to not hold immigrants contributed to the dramatic difference.

Bostwick said he is anxious to see if those numbers stick.

The commission voted unanimously to approve a policy at the jail to use Guard 1 PIPE, a system for the supervision of inmates and security checks, which would replace hand written notes. The jail already owns the property, purchased by former Administrator Gerry Billy, and approval allows paying for yearly licensing of software.

Commissioners also discussed upcoming priorities for the 60-day legislative session, including a resolution seeking support to allow for alternate board members to be appointed to the Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority, expanding authority of the county to impose an occupancy tax, creating a county speed limit bill and reauthorizing $350,000 of capital outlay funds to extend the date for the Tres Amigas project caliche road.

Lobbyist Clint Harden warned commissioners capital outlay money may be limited at the upcoming session. County Manager Lance Pyle said the county’s priorities for the session include detention center improvements, fair ground renovations, roads improvements, water infrastructure improvements and courthouse improvements.

Spear, who assumed office Jan. 1, pushed several future agenda items including holding public meetings later in the day to seek more citizen participation, and more discussions involving the juvenile detention center and Gidding Street and courthouse renovations.