Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past — Dec. 28

On this date …

1968: In news from Melrose, Gretchen Nahlovsky purchased the Porter house on Third Street. She planned to move in by February.

1964: The Clovis Fire Department responded to about 330 alarms during the year, with fires causing an estimated $338,500 in damage. An October blaze at Eastern New Mexico Builders Supply did the most damage, about $200,000 worth. A gasoline-fed fire in September destroyed the Wagner-Bauske Auto Agency, causing $60,000 in damages. And a July fire at Children’s Vogue Shop, 502 N. Main, caused $50,000 in damage, officials said. Fires in 1963 caused about $65,000 in damage, records showed.

1951: Reactivation of the Clovis Air Force base was heartily endorsed at a meeting of Curry County residents in the district courtroom. Officials, led by Chamber of Commerce President C.O. Greene, adopted a resolution calling for the reactivation of the base at “the earliest possible date.” More than 500 residents attended the meeting and voted to send a delegation to Washington to lobby for reopening.

Let’s go see the Duke ..

1970: Clovis’ Lyceum theater was showing “Rio Lobo” starring John Wayne.

Prizes awaited …

1957: Nearly two dozen area businesses were offering gifts to the first baby born in 1958. Toy Town at 1314 Main offered $3 in merchandise. Clovis National Bank promised a $10 savings account. Campbell’s Dairy offered 10 quarts of milk.

Pages Past is compiled by Clovis News Journal Editor David Stevens. Contact him at: [email protected]