Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

News of gentlemen’s club raises strong opinions


Editor’s note: This is one in a series of columns looking back at regional news in 2014. It will continue through Jan. 1.

People say the most interesting things. Here are a few examples of memorable quotes from the past year:

‘Gentlemen’ wouldn’t do that

The opening of a strip club in Curry County produced some of the more emotional comments for the year.

• Patrick McDonald, whose brother Dwight is the primary club owner: “My brother is a well-respected attorney in Lubbock. My brother’s not involved in any (organized crime). He’s not involved in prostitution. He’s not involved in drugs. I’m not understanding how with a gentlemen’s club, crime is going to take over Clovis.”

link David Stevens

• Diana Duran, to county commissioners who said they were unable to prevent the club from opening: “This does not tell me that you guys are promoting family. I can’t even imagine what you guys are thinking.”

• County Commissioner Tim Ashley: “I want to make sure that everyone knows this is not a business that we went out and recruited.”

l Longtime Clovis resident Bill Thompson: “This so-called gentlemen’s club bothers me. As far as I’m concerned, I’m a gentleman. I care about women. I wouldn’t be found in a place like that.”

• Tim Mroczek, in a comment left on the Clovis News Journal website: “For the ‘gentlemen’ who don’t have a use for the club — great, don’t go. For the right wingers who advocate for less government yet want government to legislate morality — step back and review where you really stand. Maybe some day we could get a full service massage parlor. That would surely soothe those frayed nerves and remove the stress of dictating morality to the masses.”

• Sheri Rains Carpenter, also in an online comment: “It will be quite awkward for a man who is lusting after a naked dancer when he realizes that it’s his friend’s daughter ... his daughter’s friend ... or even his own daughter … I hope you sleep well at night, Mr. McDonald.”

‘Here’s what I think:’

Politics was a hot topic as usual, and there were no shortages of memorable quotes. Here are two from letters to the editor:

• Roosevelt County Commissioner Bill Cathey of Dora: “I believe our lawmakers should fight the state Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. I personally will fight it politically and prayerfully. The government never said they could not share the same bedrooms. They can do that without a marriage license.”

• Retired educator Keith Ingram: “If you’re a parent with a sick child, would you take them to a doctor required to practice medicine from rules and procedures created by a non-medical professional? Do I need to await an answer? Of course you wouldn’t. However, kids at New Mexico public schools are taught by rules, guidelines, evaluations and restrictions developed by the governor and education secretary.”

Remember when ...

On a lighter note, a social media trend encouraged nostalgia. The phrase, “I’m so Clovis” preceded memories of back in the day. Some favorites:

• Laura Sorgen: “I’m so Clovis I remember when my grandparents’ house was where Taco Villa is now and my house was where the vet office by Walmart is. I’m so Clovis I remember learning to drive on the back roads where Walmart is now and we lived in the country because there was really nothing north of Manana (Boulevard).”

• Jane Koepplinger: “… I’m so Clovis, I can remember going to the Snazzy Pig off of Main Street. I also partied in the lounge at the Hotel Clovis and the Sears store was where the library now stands. Also I can remember cowboys riding down Main Street and hitching their horses to the hitching posts. One more thing, people could ride the train out of Clovis at the station at the end of Main Street. Whew.”

Wait ... What?

But perhaps the best quote of the year came from Portales schools Superintendent Johnnie Cain, who may or may not have been trying to lighten a mood.

Cain caught some criticism in August when the school yearbook featured a “Most likely to skinny dip” feature. Two senior students were shown hiding behind trees, appearing to be naked.

• Cain’s response: “We are going to add an extra layer of editorial review to make sure this does not happen again.”

David Stevens is editor for Clovis Media Inc. He can be contacted at 1-800-819-9925. His e-mail address is:

[email protected]