Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
On this date …
1977: Jim Turnbough, 7, of 1316 Huntington Way in Clovis, had requested these items from Santa: a “Bionick” man doll, a BB pistol and pantyhose. He promised to leave milk and cookies. Paula Archer, of 513 W. 17th in Clovis, wanted a “color kit like they have on TV,” a “Baby Come Back Doll” and a “Fussy Pumper Barber Shop.” Christine Bright of Melrose asked for a horse. Her letter said she was “almost one.”
1960: Season’s greetings newspaper ads had been published in the Portales News-Tribune from A.D. Ribble Lumber Co., Dean's Automotive Service, Kirby Beauty Shop, College Dairy, Pioneer Tavern at Kenna, Elida Motor and Oil Co., and Tot's Farm & Ranch Supply in Elida.
1938: Clovis Junior High School was a hot spot for city residents on Christmas eve, hosting a lighted nativity scene on its lawn. Other popular holiday lights displays in town included the home of J.C.R. Dunning at 1412 Axtell and the Guy Bloodgood residence at 116 W. 12th.
In national news …
1969: Cult leader Charles Manson was planning to finance his legal defense against seven counts of murder by selling a record album, one of his attorneys said. Attorney George Shibley said Manson was an excellent guitarist and an “adequate” vocalist.
Time marches on …
1949: Brown’s Time Shop at 208 Main in Clovis specialized in repairing watches and clocks.
Pages Past is compiled by Clovis News Journal Editor David Stevens. Contact him at: