Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
amos the churchmouse:
a view from under the pew
Editor’s note: Amos is a churchmouse, who types by hopping on the computer keyboard, but he can’t operate the capital shift, and he shuns punctuation marks – except hyphens and dashes.
bertie s holiday depression
the other day boss i
ran across little bertie
woeworm - actually i
tried to avoid him but
he spotted me anyway
you remember bertie
boss he s the sort of
fellow who when he
walks into a room
you feel like somebody
just turned out the lights
bertie was crying
it s so sad he said
the world is worse
than really bad
bugs on drugs
wars and pesticides
attacks on ladybugs
crime and sewer-cide
it s so sad again he said
the world is doubly worse
than really bad
what with owlless
nights and rainy days
trapdoor spiders and
the skunk-sprayed haze
life is bad and i m so
sad there ain t no
way to make me glad
life can t be that hard
says me not when you
know the lord
what do you mean
jelly bean says he
rather snippily
just this says me life ain t
what it seems happiness
and joy it can bring
but what about the
pain and misery says he
oh life may have its
ups and downs
sometimes dark
clouds will abound
but a way through
or around them
can still be found
but i don t see how
that works in the
here and now
you sure you didn t
fall off a cow
all you have to do
says me is change
your gloom-icity
i never heard of
gloomicity says he
that s what you have
trust me says me you need
to trade your dark and dreary
gloomicity for a bright and
cheery felicity
what s that says he
that s looking at things from
the sunny-side up instead
of the dreary-side down
all you have to do is
develop an attitude of
now this is not just a
platitude so i can t
give you much latitude
no matter if you meet a
grumpy dude just walk on
by and say howdy-do
or when you re under a
cloud or two be thankful
for a shade to keep you cool
when someone to you
is rude you don t have
to treat them crude
just develop an attitude
of gratitude
bring jesus into your
just by the way you
handle your moods
and how you drive
away your blues
with gratitude as
your attitude boss
thanksgiving isn t
just a holiday
it becomes a holy way