Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Something to read: Things I Have Saw and Did — 50 Years of Thinking Out Loud

Name of book: “Things I Have Saw and Did — 50 Years of Thinking Out Loud”

Author’s name and connection to this area: Danny Andrews has written about the Texas Panhandle and eastern New Mexico for six decades.

Summary: Drawing on his diverse life experiences as a journalist, sports broadcaster, basketball magazine publisher, sports official, Christian layman and community member, former Plainview Daily Herald Editor Danny Andrews has written a 442-page book of some 250 stories and more than 1,100 names. The title is derived from a grammatically challenged sports officiating friend. Stories include family; growing-up years in Plainview; longtime friends and chance encounters with celebrities; experiences in school and at Wayland Baptist University; playing, officiating, reporting on and broadcasting sports; interesting newspaper colleagues and experiences; faith, church and mission ventures; and miscellaneous tales. Proceeds benefit the Wayland general scholarship fund.

Contact the author: [email protected]