Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Letter to the editor: True believers can be church

Friday's CNJ contained an article about Christians who do not attend church. But there is so much more to the story than what was printed.

There are many true believers who do not attend a traditional form of church whose story needs to be told. These believers have decided to simply BE the church instead of just attend the church.

It isn't complicated. A close relationship with God and with other believers can grow where people can be honest with one another and hear from God for themselves. Simple church, or organic church, is being practiced across the nation by those who strive actually to hear what God is saying, see what he is doing, and follow his direction in a very personal way.

Actually, in the same way that the Tea Party Movement has arisen, this is a grass-roots involvement in the kingdom of God. Every Christian believer has the right, and the responsibility, to hear from the Lord and to follow him.

There is a term we use called "prevenience," meaning God goes first, and we follow him.

In the same way the Israelites followed the cloud in the desert, simple church believers seek to find out and follow what God is doing.

Instead of deciding what we want to do, and asking God to bless it, we allow God to show us what he is doing, so that we can work with him to establish his kingdom on earth to bless people.

There are some good books on the subject that help people who want to understand more about BEING the church and following God. "An Army of Ordinary People" by Felicity Dale is a great place to start.

If you want more information, or just want to share your experience, send me an email at [email protected]