Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Beta Phi
Beta Phi members held their December business meeting with hostesses Carman and Joy Richards.
Carman, chapter president, called the meeting to order and recited the Opening Ritual and gave the devotional. Mary Ann Vinson, recording and corresponding secretary, read the minutes and letters received for chapter news. Treasurer Collene Baldwin also distributed her report.
The Ways and Means project reported that pecan sales are continuing over the holidays. Packages of pecans can be purchased from any chapter member at $7 per pound package.
Club members are continuing with the Albertson’s Community Partners by helping the children at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Many of the members are helping in different ways. There is continuing support of the evacuees of Katrina, Hats for Hope projects and Hope for Heroes, which consists of boxes for troops.
The highlight of the evening was the initiation of new members, Laura Loflin and Diane Chapman. Chapter President Joy Richards performed the ceremony.
A Dutch treat Christmas dinner with an ornament exchange was held on Dec. 10 at the Fuzhou Buffet.
The next business meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 2 by Mary Ann Vinson.
Chaparral Extension Club
The Chaparral Extension Club held its annual Christmas party at Furr’s Cafeteria on Dec. 8. There were 18 members present, plus guest Naomi Williams for the Grady Alpha club. Christmas ornaments made by Dorothy Bean, Jean Skaggs and Naomi Williams were handed out
“Self” was the theme used by Naomi Williams to install the following officers for 2006: President: Sheryl Abdill, Vice president: Jeanetta Mesner, Secretary: Dorothy Bean and Treasurer: Betty Jackson.
The next meeting will be Jan. 12 with Jeanetta Mesner and Sheryl Abdill as hostesses.
For information about clubs call Sheryl Abdill at 763-4256 or the Curry County Extension Office at 762-0296.
Delta Kappa Gamma
Delta Kappa Gamma met at Kingswood United Methodist Church on Dec. 12. The program was “Christmas Candy with Cheryl.”
Cheryl Hinrichs demonstrated taffy making and club members participated. Various candies were already prepared and suggestions were given on their making. Each member was given a variety of candy recipes, many of which were from Hinrichs’ mother and grandmother.
Following the demonstration, hostesses Karen Allen, Brenda Riddle, Ione Wood and Vivian Coates served mini cheese cakes, gelatin angel Christmas trees with star cookies, fruit cake cookies, chicken hot wings, spiced tea and coffee.
President Cheryl Hinrichs opened the business meeting with the Collect. Kristin Stata called the roll with members answering with their favorite Christmas Carol. Anna Marie Kolek gave the treasurer’s report. Patsy Camp read a thank-you note and a graduation announcement from scholarship recipient Eva Sanchez.
The scrapbooking presentation by Dixi Burnett at the last meeting in the Ingram Room was one of the new ideas for the committee. Hostesses for that meeting were Kristin Stata, Marrion Hudson, Roberta Johnson and Molly Smith.
PRMC Auxiliary
Plains Regional Medical Center Auxiliary held its annual pot luck luncheon recently at Baxter/Curran Senior Center. Attending were 36 auxilians and guests Lucy Bonney and Rhonda Murdock.
Auxilians who received Gold Stars for the months of October, November and December were Helen Miles, Charlotte Ogilive and Sondra Neal.
Lucy Bonney spoke to the group regarding the RSVP program. She explained the benefits, community involvement and presented each auxilian with a Blue Bird Pin of Happiness.
Door prizes were won by Amanda Moore, Lillian Stamps, Ruby Goforth, Robbie Williams, Marie Neff, Paige Smith and Margie Boatman.
Ramona Parker was nominated as president-elect for 2006.
A cowboy-style skit written by Vivian Lake was presented and parts were played by Rhonda Murdock, Vivian Lake, Celina Snider, Robbie Williams, Wuanita Jones and Norma Nagle.
Pleasant Hill Women’s Club
The Pleasant Hill Women’s Club met for its regular monthly meeting on Dec. 8 at the home of Lueta Clark.
Alice Pierce read a Christmas story titled “No Room.” Wilma Nell Whitener read a poem titled “The Cows Don’t Know it’s Christmas.” Frances Webb did a reading titled “Twas The Nite before Jesus Came.” Donald Clark then entertained the group with his guitar and singing.
Following the entertainment, Lueta Clark called the business meeting to order. Jean Thomas called the roll, which was answered with individual’s plans for Christmas. She also read the minutes of the last meeting. Nancy Barnes reported on what members need to bring to make potpourri squares at the February meeting.
Nancy Barnes and Lueta Clark were hostesses for the ham luncheon.
The next meeting will be Jan. 19 at the Pleasant Hill Fire Station. Vivian Lake will give the program on her tour of Australia. Hostesses will be Kaye Barnes and Barbara Whitmore.