Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Clovis police department still under-appreciated

Letters to the editor

So much has been said about our Clovis police force. They are underpaid, understaffed and more. Yes, they are underpaid. Otherwise we would not be understaffed. Our officers put their lives on the line every time they step out. Case in point: On Oct. 11, a pickup truck went north on Prince Street exceeding 100 mph. Who was in pursuit? Clovis police officers, Curry County sheriff deputies and New Mexico State Police officers. These folks risked their lives to stop a driver alleged to be inebriated. What will it take to get our cops a decent salary? Perhaps reduce some upper management salaries? It saddens me to see how under-appreciated our cops are. Our police officers should be among the highest paid city employees. Christian K. Heller Sr. Clovis

Columnist spot-on; but more to consider Based on my reading of Tibor Machan’s column, “There are absolutes in ethics and politics” (CNJ Oct. 14), I think he made a reasonable and logical statement of faith in philosophers and in human nature. This is illustrated by the two classical human beings he used as examples capable of finding ethics in human nature: Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804), German metaphysician; and Espinoza, Baruch or Benedict, Dutch philosopher (1632-1677), whose independence of thought “led to his excommunication” from the group of “Jews from Spain and Portugal who had fled the Inquisition.” The writings of both men were mainly published posthumously. In his Critique of Practical Reason, Kant wrote: “... Morality requires the belief in the existence of God, freedom and immortality, because without their existence there can be no morality.” Espinoza was “an exponent of democratic government and urged the subordination of the Church to the state. ... His pantheism (deification of nature) seemed blasphemous to his time, and some of his works were not allowed to be published during his life.” Fortunately columnist Machan concluded with Aristotle and saint Thomas Aquinas to explain the virtues that establish “principles of conduct derived from human nature.” (Machan’s words.) However, a few facts remain to be considered: 1) Aristotle, the logical, classic, practical reasoner, and 2) Aquinas, always a saint, are both dead. 3) There are American high school graduates, or dropouts, who have never read an entire book. 4) Few schools for training teachers require studies of classical literature, (outside of Oxford University). 5) According to TV programming, survival means returning to tribalism. As the U.S. Supreme Court begins to consider whether “In God We Trust” should be removed from the “coin of the realm” and from the new paper money, maybe the justices should wait for human nature’s stamp of approval — vols. 3 and 5. Ila Flinn Raviart Clovis

Liberal Limbaugh letters buckle under scrutiny I enjoyed seeing the liberal letters concerning Rush Limbaugh in last Sunday’s CNJ. It proves this paper has a fair and balanced policy in printing what is on its readers minds. But if one looks closely at these missives, they don’t hold up very well under closer scrutiny. It is readily apparent from the beginning of his letter that Charles Plath hates Rush Limbaugh and his philosophy, and rather than add anything intelligent or new to the current debate, he merely took this opportunity to smear the man in print. He also degrades the Old Testament of the Christian Bible in his rantings and ends up labeling Limbaugh a racist and a bigot. I really don’t know why it was necessary to drag the Bible into a political debate, unless Plath actually believes such things as the Ten Commandments truly are irrational. The charges of Limbaugh being a racist are also ridiculous. Anyone who has ever listened to him already knows this. As for the Limbaugh drug problems, as far as I can see, the man hasn’t been arrested. And, in the end, if he never is, I hope Plath isn’t too disappointed. If though, after all is said and done, Limbaugh is found guilty of the charges, I say hang him. ... No one is above the law. Not even someone I admire. This letter was full of the usual liberal sarcasm in place of a well-researched opinion. But it’s not really surprising. With the presidential election coming next year, and the Democrats without a viable candidate in sight, I expect to see the dirtiest and most malicious campaign in our country’s history by this party. I suspect some will be right at home with it. Bill D. Middleton Clovis