Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club notes: May 13

Encanto Garden Club

The Encanto Garden Club met in April at Vines Italian Restaurante in Portales, which tied into a pilgrimage the club takes during the year. Club president, Jacque Wuest, called to order a short meeting. Our telephone chairperson, Carmen Gilchrist, recited "The Gardener's Prayer."

Unfinished business was addressed and tabled for the next meeting. Following lunch, we all drove to The Garden Source to tour the nursery owned and operated by Curt and Lisa Jaynes. All had a fun time looking at the garden statuaries and variety of colorful plants and succulents.

The clubs next gathering will be 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Garden Open House at 519 Second St. in Melrose, the residence of our horticulture chairperson Jeanne Augenstein and her daughter, Lori Frasier. The public is cordially invited to attend.

Tours, classes, door prizes and light refreshments will be served. Master gardeners will be present to answer any gardening questions you have. Call 575-253-4249 for information.

Portales Woman's Club

The Portales Woman's Club met May 9 with president Teresa Howard presiding. The president recognized June Ferguson as the new GFWC state president and announced Gaynelle Thomas received the State Heroine Award at the state convention. Other awards were also received at the convention. There were 20 members and 6 guests present.

Jan Smartnick announced that a donation of $98 was being given to the club in honor of her mother and Woman's Club member Ann Malott, who will turn 98 this month.

Linda Leaming thanked members for helping with Women's Day Out, which profitted $1,256. 120 people attended the event.

Jennifer Kobernick volunteered to chair the flower show at the county fair.

Erinn Burch, chair of the hostess committee, introduced others on her committee: Gertie Swager, Mary Louise Childress, Rosalie Richards and Lois Crozier.

Hospitality chair Amber Hamilton presented a gift on behalf of the club to Howard. Sheryl Borden installed the new officers using the incoming president's theme.

The next meeting will be Sept. 12.

Beta Phi

Seven members of Beta Phi, Collene Baldwin, Sandy Heath, Laura Loflin, Patsy Lorenz, Bev Miller, Suzy Moore and Rachel Wallace, met for their regular meeting April 2, 2012, at Collene Baldwin's house. Laura Loflin was hostess.

Nominations for new officers were held:

President: Bev Miller

Vice president: Rachel Wallace

Recording secretary: Collene Baldwin

Corresponding secretary: Laura Loflin

Parliamentarian: Sandy Heath

Education director: Dottie Good

Treasurer: Patsy Lorenz

Thank you letters were received from Easter Seals, Make-A-Wish, St. Jude's Hospital for Children and pediatrics for children oncology.

PRMC Auxiliary

Plains Regional Medical Center Auxiliary held a Pink Ladies Tea and Style show April 28 at Wheatfields Senior Living Center.

Pink Ladies and their guests enjoyed a variety of finger foods and sipped tea and coffee while watching the style show. A group of women, young adults and children walked around the tables modeling clothes and jewelry provided by Bealls, Sears, JC Penney, Cato and the hospital gift shop.

All proceeds from the style show go into the PRMC Auxiliary Scholarship Fund. Previous scholarship recipients introduced themselves, telling where they are enrolled in school and their chosen medical career field.

Names were drawn for door prizes.