Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

amos the churchmouse: amos on time

amos the churchmouse:

a view from under the pew

Editor’s note: Amos is a churchmouse, who types by hopping on the computer keyboard, but he can’t operate the capital shift, and he shuns punctuation marks – except hyphens and dashes.

amos on time

boss you probably

already know this

but i have a problem

with time - not telling

time but operating

within it

i hardly ever get

anywhere on time boss

my tail either gets

caught in a door somewhere

or i get sidetracked

by a friendly

conversation or

bushwhacked by some

silly interrogation

or waylaid by a

frantic situation or

freaked out by an

act of desperation

or even stymied by

an active imagination

boss it kept getting

worse and worse