Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

We all proclaim personal message

We are nearing the end of the political season. The television news is full of debate news, poll data, interviews with candidates and red and blue state maps. The national election consumes much of the news. Even locally, there are many important races to watch.

Have you noticed the political signs in our town? These days anyone driving through Clovis in the downtown area or neighborhoods can see signs for candidates on street corners and in people's yards. The signs are in colors and some signs even have pictures on them. Some signs are eye catching and some signs are big and others are small. Just down my street in my neighborhood political signs abound. I can tell who everyone is voting for — even if I don’t know the person. That is because the signs in their yards give them away. Even our family has signs in our yard supporting certain candidates. Those signs proclaim our choices in this upcoming election. The signs in our yard indicate to all who pass by what candidates we choose in this election. We put our backing behind that candidate and trust that person, so much so that we are not ashamed to let Clovis and the world know our choice. We unashamedly proclaim our choices.

But what about the believer? When it comes to talking about our faith and proclaiming that we are Christians, sometimes people are hesitant to disclose that. Do they not want to appear pushy? Is it that they do not want to seem narrow minded to others? Are they worried about being viewed as odd? People will quickly and unashamedly take a stand for a political candidate, pass out cards, volunteer at the local Republican or Democratic headquarters, put bumper stickers on their cars and get totally involved in the election. But, are any of us that quick to communicate about our faith, our salvation?

What is the sign in your yard? I don’t mean a real physical sign but I mean the sign that you wear in your public life. I think about certain people and the signs of their lives are evident to me. For instance, Kenneth Lay to me means money. Shirley MacLaine is synonymous with stars, planets and her past life.