Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Sept. 28, 2008 Library Books

The following books are available at the Clovis-Carver Public Library:

Hank the Cowdog: The Case of the Most Ancient Bone by John Erickson was given by Frank and Geraldine Phillips in memory of Mildred Norris.

Read by the author, this audio book has Hank on an archaeological dig where he must save an ancient buffalo bone from thieves who want to devour the precious artifact.

Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, and Priorities of a Winning Life by Tony Dungy was given by Scott and Annette Hulder and girls in memory of John Matthews.

When Tony Dungy led the Indianapolis Colts to victory in Super Bowl XLI, his quiet, authoritative, and value-driven way of life won the respect of fans, players, and even his competitors; and showed the world a better way to live, lead, and succeed

Buckingham Palace Gardens by Anne Perry recreates the multi-layered richness of Victorian London as Detective Thomas Pitt and his wife Charlotte investigate a fatal house party at Buckingham Palace and a scandal that may cause the monarchy to fall.

The Wood Worker’s Bible: A Complete Guide to Woodworking by Percy Blandford offers basic principles and techniques that have stood the test of time to enable a new generation of craftsmen to produce simple, useful, and satisfying projects in a short time.

Soul of the Assassin by Larry Bonds sends an elite CIA team behind the scenes of a conference on genetics and onto the trail to a sinister Russian scientist who is the leader at the forefront of biological-weapons research.

Maya Angelou: A Glorious Celebration by Marcia Gillsepie features more than 150 portraits, family photographs, and letters from one of the world’s most beloved and admired poets.