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NM Department of Ag to hold public hearings

PORTALES — The New Mexico Department of Agriculture will hold public hearings here on Thursday to discuss the adoption and amendment of two rules, according to an NMDA press release.

The hearings will be held to propose the repeal and adoption of the “Organic Agriculture” rule and amendments to the “Pasteurized Milk Ordinance,” as well as to receive public comment on each proposal, the release said.

Hearings for the two topics are scheduled back-to-back from 2–3 p.m. and 3:30–4:30 p.m. on Thursday at the Roosevelt County Extension Office.

“During the organic agriculture hearings, the new fee structure for the department’s organic program will be proposed,” the release said. “During the pasteurized milk ordinance hearings, amendments will be proposed. These amendments add a reference to additional documents that are used to regulate milk and milk products in New Mexico.”

A copy of the proposed rule is available at: