Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Letter to the editor - May 9

The victim is never at fault

Victim blaming is the fastest way to drive a victim of sexual assault further into themselves and dramatically decrease the chances of them reaching out for help.

Victim blaming is the idea that the assault happened because there were drugs and alcohol involved, she was wearing revealing clothing, or she was asking for it.

Really? She was asking to get violently assaulted and intimately violated?

Where do we draw the line between what is right and what is wrong holding the responsible, responsible?

As an advocate for sexual-assault victims, I have learned the value of simply supporting our victims. My main priority is to offer the best care and support for the victim. I support the survivors by believing and empowering them.

I cannot say enough times that the assault was not the victim’s fault. No one asks to be assaulted and no matter what factors are in play, sexual assault is never excused.

I want everyone to seek counseling when they need the help, whether that is simply having an advocate to talk to or attending a counseling session.

I have seen first-hand how victim blaming effects a victim psychologically, and prevents them from seeking help. The truth is, victims blame themselves already because they feel responsible or feel they could have done something to prevent the assault.

The victim is never at fault. What would our world look like if our first reaction was to help the people in need rather than judge them?

We first have to put ourselves in their shoes to fully understand their situation and what they need, but in order to do that we have to take our own shoes off first.

We simply cannot complain about the world’s faults, when we keep feeding the problem.

Amber Russell
