Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should

After the dust had settled from Eric Roanhaus’ resignation as Clovis High football coach, the anticipation was two-fold.

The top question, of course, would be, “Who will succeed the most prolific winner in New Mexico prep football history?” Question 1A would be, “Who’s going to try to fill those shoes?”

The new coach, Cal Fullerton, said Tuesday that, “You don’t fill shoes like that.” So the more proper question: Who would apply to follow Roanhaus’ 39 seasons, 343 wins and 10 state championships?

It was on our minds at the Eastern New Mexico News. When the application process began, I informed Clovis Schools Superintendent Jody Balch we wanted every applicant’s name. If I needed to look at the applications, I would study them at the district office or pay reasonable fees to have copies, in accordance with the state’s public records act. He told me, “Not a problem.”

On the last day of the application period, I called Balch for a reminder of those parameters. Problem. He hedged, noting, “You might not want all of them, because they’re not all complete.”

It was no Pulitzer moment, but I held my ground. “They’re still public records.”

I came to the district office the next day, and was provided everything I had requested. There was a list of applicants, and both Balch and Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Kerry Parker went over the list to make sure I had applications from everybody I needed before I left.

Then I saw why Balch hedged. A person I’d never heard of had applied for the job. No teaching experience. No coaching experience. What’s this all about?

That applicant, Balch said, had experience at a local grocery store and elsewhere. Parker tried to contact the applicant to ask, “Did you mean to apply for a different open position?” Parker never heard back.

Post the full list of applicants, Balch said, and, “You’re only going to embarrass (the applicant).”

I did agree. The public records act isn’t there to mock people with $8/hour jobs who make a mistake while trying to get $10/hour jobs. It’s to ensure transparency and accountability in taxpayer-funded activities.

I opted not to release the name, and stuck to those with coaching experience and completed applications. I couldn’t help mention the situation — “a grocery store employee with no coaching experience who apparently applied for the wrong job.” It was no Pulitzer moment; just an amusing reminder things don’t always go perfectly.

I snicker a bit imagining that person getting the job. “The new coach of Wildcat football ...” I hope that applicant saw the story and had a laugh ... and will maybe someday tell grandkids about the time they were among 13 candidates to coach the Clovis Wildcats.

Balch and Parker gained a few points with me that day. They knew a compassionate decision needed to be made, and provided the information needed to make that decision.

But at the end of the day, they knew the decision-maker is the person with the public record.

Kevin Wilson is managing editor for the Clovis office of The Eastern New Mexico News. Contact him at: [email protected]